
Refund and Returns Policy


Right of return You have a right of return of 7 days from the delivery date of your item to cancel your purchase without giving a reason. If 7 days have passed since receipt of your purchase, unfortunately, we cannot offer a refund or exchange, unless there is a lack of conformity.

Return conditions To exercise your right of return, your item must be unused, complete, and in its original packaging. Any returned item that is damaged, incomplete, or in unsuitable condition will not be accepted.

Returns process To return your item, you must inform us of your intention to return it by sending us an email to info@hairvitalitybox.com mentioning your order number and the items you wish to return. We will then send you confirmation of your return request and return instructions.

Refund Once we have received your returned item and verified that it is in perfect condition, we will issue your refund. We will send you an email to let you know that we have received your item and your refund has been processed. We typically process refunds within 14 days of receiving your return request.

Return costs are your responsibility unless the item you received is defective or does not correspond to your order. In this case, we will cover the return costs.

Exchanges We do not offer exchanges. If you wish to exchange an item for another, we invite you to return your item following our returns policy and place a new order on our site.

Return address You must return your item to the following address: 23010 Franz Rd #5206, Katy, TX 77449

Shipping Tips We recommend shipping your item with tracking service and keeping proof of postage. We cannot be held responsible for items lost in transit.

We hope that this updated returns policy is in compliance with current US laws and meets your expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at info@hairvitalitybox.com .

Of course, here is an example article for your refund policy regarding cases where the customer claims to have not received their order even though the carrier marked it as “delivered”. Remember to adapt the text according to your own policies and procedures:

Procedure in the event of non-receipt of an order despite the delivery status “delivered”

We attach great importance to your satisfaction and the resolution of any problem related to your order. In the event that you claim not to have received your package, but the delivery status indicates that it has been “delivered” by the carrier, we have implemented the following procedure:

1. Contact our customer service: Please contact us inform us immediately of the situation by contacting our customer service by email or telephone. Be sure to provide all relevant details such as order number, expected delivery date, and any other useful information.

2. Internal Verification: We will carefully review your request and perform a thorough internal verification to confirm the accuracy of the delivery status. This may include reviewing tracking information, communicating with the carrier, and reviewing our own internal processes.

3. Complaint to competent authorities: If our internal verification confirms that your order has been delivered, we will ask you to file a formal complaint with your local police department, mentioning all relevant details, including the proof of your declaration of non-receipt despite the delivery status “delivered”.

4. Communication of the complaint: Once you have filed the complaint, we will ask you to send us a copy of the complaint report or any other official document that you have obtained. This will allow us to continue the process of refunding or resending the package.

5. Refund or resend packages: After receiving your complaint, we will diligently evaluate your case. If your complaint is deemed valid, we will provide a full refund for your order or arrange for a return of the package under the conditions of our refund policy.

Please note that we take cases of non-receipt of orders very seriously, and we work closely with the relevant authorities to resolve these issues. Your cooperation in the complaint procedure is essential to enable us to best assist you.

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